Master’s Race 10K

11:00AM Sat. Apr. 16, 2016

Directed by “Bob Thompson


      Spring weather in Humboldt can vary wildly from day to day! Saturday, we got lucky and had a perfect clear, calm and sunny day for our annual Clam Beach Master’s Race. This is a race that levels the playing field by giving the older runners a headstart. Lynn Lawrence led us off followed by thirty-six other over-forty runners. Unlike any other SRRC races, if you run hard, you might get your name on one of the prestigious Hobart Brown Trophies.

      Once again, John Zinselmeir dominated the men’s race followed by Dave Ryan and Sean Johnson. In the women’s race Lanore Bergenske won for the fourth time in five years, followed by Tami Beall and Mary Wells, who traded positions from last year.

      Even a small race like this wouldn’t be possible without volunteers. Thanks to Gayle and Charlie for being out on the course, and to Gary, Harry, Paul and Cindy for the signs, timing, water stop and after race party. My job was easy thanks to them! Last but not least, thanks to Yoon for all his photos, results and newsletter work and THANKS to all of you who showed up for the race! See you next year.

Bob T.


Overall                        Race     Real     Place

Place Name               G/age Time     Time     at 5K

 1 John Zinselmeir        M68  1:03:11  0:44:41  1

 2 Lanore Bergenske       F58  1:04:36  0:46:06  2

 3 Dave Ryan              M58  1:06:11  0:42:51  7

 4 Tami Beall             F48  1:06:44  0:43:24  6

 5 Mary Wells             F61  1:07:30  0:50:50  3

 6 Sean Johnson           M46  1:07:33  0:40:43  11

 7 Portia Matheson        F68  1:11:34  0:59:34  4

 8 Caroline Carson        F54  1:11:46  0:51:16  10

 9 Mike Wood              M57  1:13:13  0:49:33  15

10 Joni Hammond           F55  1:14:30  0:54:30  12

11 Max Rousselot          M54  1:15:44  0:51:04  19

12 Brett Johnson          M47  1:16:39  0:49:59  26

13 Brian Ferguson         M62  1:16:53  0:55:23  17

14 Taylor Downs           M40  1:17:17  0:49:27  25

15 Rick Park              M70  1:18:05  1:00:45  9

16 John Carson            M58  1:19:02  0:55:42  18

17 Donna Ayres            F68  1:19:30  1:07:30  8

18 Daniel Lipiec          M60  1:19:33  0:57:03  21

19 Amy Ziegler            F51  1:20:09  0:58:09  22

20 Maya Conrad            F47  1:20:19  0:56:39  24

21 Debbie Stamper         F62  1:20:39  1:04:39  14

22 Eric Antrim            M43  1:21:05  0:53:45  28

23 Brian Julian           M58  1:22:09  0:58:49  20

24 Gary Timek             M68  1:22:09  1:03:39  16

25 Mike Minton            M43  1:24:53  0:57:33  29

26 Jurgen Giessel         M79  1:25:50  1:14:30  13

27 Kristin Pitsenbarger   F53  1:25:58  1:04:58  27

28 Mark Ellis             M61  1:29:20  1:07:20  30

29 Chris Aberson          M47  1:30:35  1:03:55  32

30 Sherry Myers           F60  1:34:57  1:17:37  23

31 Kim Bryant             F42  1:37:04  1:01:44  34

32 Marcile Raney          F55  1:37:40  1:17:40  33

33 Trina Morais           F46  1:41:41  1:17:41  36

34 Leslie Keig            F53  1:47:16  1:26:16  35

35 Mj Goble               F51  1:48:43  1:26:43  37

36 Lynn Lawrence          F82  1:49:43  1:49:43  31

 * Bob Peck               M67  ran 5K            5