2nd Trinidad Head Marathon

8:00 am, Sat., Dec. 15, 2018

Directed by Mike Wood <mikewoodbooks@gmail.com>


Jasper Sage      3 loops

Dawn Durbin      5 loops    1:05:30

Yolynn St. John  5 loops    1:08:10

Kit Meyer        5 loops    1:08:10

Tom Martin       6 loops    1:10:12

Sarah Sanders    8 loops    1:28:00

Tahhia Campbell  8 loops    1:37:19

Cortney Koors   10 loops    1:42:53

Jessi Bream     10 loops

Lindsey Thomas  10 loops +  2:05:00

Jazman McGinnis 10 loops +  2:05:00

Alicia Mengel   11 loops    2:17:33

Sadie Alves     11 loops    2:17:33

Tanya Trump     13 loops (= 1/2 marathon) 2:49:59

Alex Alvarado   13 loops (= 1/2 marathon) 3:24:58

Aaron Stacy     20 loops                  4:11:00

Mike Wood       26 loops (= marathon)     4:52:34

Sarah Kingstrom 26 loops (= marathon)     6:30:00

Troy Allen      34 loops                  8:00:49


Strava says 8,764' of elevation gain and my TomTom says 14,232' (for 26 loops).

Cortney Koors is the new record holder for 10 loops.

Sarah Kingstrom is the new female marathon record holder.

Troy Allen is the new record holder for most miles on Trinidad Head (34.53).

Also, Troy's Garmin said 7,502' of elevation gain for 34 miles.